03 Oct 2024

Floating debris from storms create a jackpot catch for locals Liam and Conor Dunne. 

Floating debris from storms create a jackpot catch for locals Liam and Conor Dunne. 

What a day it was trolling off of Hillsboro Inlet! We were excited to fish as we had taken a few days off to rest the crew. I was informed that it was Conor Dunnes birthday, so we knew we had to pull out all the stops. We were fishing aboard the "Lisa B out of Port 32 Lighthouse Point Marina on a six-hour charter for the birthday boy. We tried for kingfish early and only landed one. We searched for wahoo near shore out to about 350 feet as we were right at the beginning of outgoing tide. Unfortunately, the water was green, and we were forced to make a radical decision. Do we fish green water and hope for a bite or head east in search of mahi-mahi. Well, we headed east which seemed like forever with nothing. We saw a boat in the distance sitting still and decided that we would turn around just outside of him and head back towards the beach. At that point we were about 7 miles offshore. As we came around the center console boat with one guy in it we noticed he was fighting a mahi. We continued to troll by him and saw a giant piece of tree in the water.
As soon as we got right up next to the floating debris all the rods went off. We caught mahi-mahi and wahoo on every pass it seemed like for an hour. It is so wonderful to find something floating and hit the jackpot. Lots of other boats struggled this day but I'd rather be lucky than good. This weekend keep an eye out for floating debris as well as quality water. The water near the shorelines has been very dirty which is great for snook tarpon and kingfish but not much else.

Farther offshore the swordfish bite was epic this week as several fish including a 458 pounder were weighed at the Lighthouse Point Marina Port 32. Lots of smaller fish in the 60-to-80-pound range were caught by anglers between Palm Beach and Miami. It's nice to see a few fish outside all of the inlets. This means that we have bait in the area and we are hoping it sticks around for a while. I've always said if you want to find the big fish just look for the bait.

Have a great weekend!
RJ Boyle

For an up to the minute fishing report tune in the Big 105.9 Paul Castronovo Papas Pilar fishing report on Friday mornings at 6:20 AM.

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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Artwork by RJ Boyle

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