Gotta Love Snapper!

Pictured here is Scott Sansone and Scott Sansone Jr with a few beautiful snapper caught last weekend in Bimini. Summertime is the time to bottom fish for snapper and boy did we have a great trip. The snapper with the yellow tail and eye is called a yellow eye snapper and is wonderful eating. This snapper is caught in 500 to 600 feet using cut squid or fish on a chicken rig. The bright red snappers are called queen snappers and we use the same rig but fish in deep water around 1300 feet. If you get a weather window providing calm seas, this next two months is the perfect time to head over and give it a shot!We stayed at the Bimini Big Game Club and had a blast. If you need information about a Bahamas trip please call the shop and we will answer any questions.
Locally the snapper fishing was good as well with great catches of yellowtail snapper reported by several boats. The best of it was at night. Trolling this last week was a bit slow as the blackfin tuna bite ceased and the bonito fishing picked up. Mahi fishing was also slow this week. To get an up to the minute fishing report please call the shop and we will let you know what is going on out there.
Stay tight!
RJ Boyle