RJ Boyle

RJ Boyle Harpoon Rope, Basket, and Float with Strobe Light

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1,000 ft of harpoon rope. A float attached to the end. A water activated strobe light attached.

  • Make sure to have the right harpoon rope set up. Our basket comes filled with 1,000 foot of harpoon rope. At the end of the rope, we have a float attached. Attached to the float is a water activated strobe light. We have hooked fish in the daytime only to fight them into the nighttime hours. With that strobe light we are able to follow the float easily.

    Additional Charge - $10.00 Rod, Gaff & Harpoon Protective Packaging

    Watch a quick instructional video below...

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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