RJ Boyle Custom Harpoon
This harpoon is stainless steel and comes apart in four sections. Weighted harpoon head.

RJ Boyle Harpoon Rope, Basket, and Float with Strobe Light
1,000 ft of harpoon rope. A float attached to the end. A water activated strobe light attached.

RJ Boyle Stainless Harpoon Tip with Rope
The rope does less damage to the meat once inserted into the fish.

Sea Striker Fiberglass Gaff 6’x3”
A pin-lock assembly process with dual pins secures 3" 8.0mm stainless steel hook.

Sea Striker Aluminum Gaff
Made for the serious fisherman. The hook is made from the strongest quality stainless steel available.

Aftco Tapered Fiberglass Gaff
Features special thick-walled, super strong yet lightweight E-glass handle.