13 Jul 2022

A Little Bit of Everything Biting

A Little Bit of Everything Biting

Pictured here is the John Roberts charter from earlier this week aboard the “Lisa B”. As you can see from the picture it was a very productive six-hour trip. Two beautiful Wahoo along with a pair of mahi-mahis and several blackfin tuna kept the rods bent all morning. We also caught a sailfish in 200 feet of water. We are coming off of the full moon which is great for wahoo fishing so this weekend should be awesome as we will see some larger fish caught. Historically this is a great month for Wahoo up to 60 pounds. All of the fish here were caught trolling inside of 500 feet of water which is no more than 3 miles off the beach. Anytime you see small blackfin tuna you will also see quality pelagic fish that feed on them. The quality fishing will last about another month locally so finish up the summer with a fishing trip. If you need a charter boat locally, we can guide you in the right direction.
Get tight!
RJ Boyle

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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Artwork by RJ Boyle

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