Bad Things Can Happen

A few years back we had a swordfish jump into our boat while we were preparing to bring the fish aboard. This day was one of my scariest as a fishermen due to the fact that the swordfish proceeded to break my mates collar bone and inflict serious wounds which required many stitches. The swordfish bill almost went through me as I was launched across the boat. You never know when something like this is going to happen. As we come into sailfish season just remember that sailfish are very unpredictable and can do serious damage to anglers and mates. When going to release a sailfish remember that it is not necessary to handle the fish to get the official release. When the mate touches the leader it is an official catch and at that point you can take your pictures. At the point when the fish has been caught cut the leader and let the fish swim off unharmed. The hook will rust out in a few days and the fish will make a full recovery. You don't need to be the one making a recovery from a sailfish or swordfish bill going through your body.
Pictured here is Mike Tarmey from Lighthouse Point fishing on a boat in Brazil last week. The blue marlin jumped and landed in the boat proceeded to tear up the whole boat. In this instance nobody was hurt but you can see the potential for disaster.
RJ Boyle Studio
5040 North Federal Highway
Lighthouse Point, FL 33064