28 Sep 2022

Big Wahoo Caught Trolling Planers

Big Wahoo Caught Trolling Planers

Picture left to right is Dan and Ben Seffer with “Lisa B” mate, Luke Mears, holding up a 65 pound wahoo.  This fish was caught on the planer which is an apparatus that brings the rig down deeper. Most of the charter boats locally fish two planer set ups. 75% of all the fish caught here off the coast, near shore, are caught on planers. If you are a local fisherman or spending time here seasonally I would highly suggest getting set up to fish planers. The water down here gets so hot that come mid day most fish sink deeper in the water column and are easily accessed by the use of a planer. Last Friday I put out an instructional film at the which discusses driving techniques for planer fishing. The platform has 275+ instructional films on saltwater techniques. 

This particular one was caught in 175 feet of water at 11 o’clock in the morning on the short planer with a pink and blue sea witch. The bait used was a long bonito strip. We have some Charter openings next week so give us a call if you would like to get in on the wahoo bite. 561-445-2712

Kingfishing this week was extremely slow but the Mahi bite offshore was excellent. Floating debris and seaweed were plentiful and should only get better now that the storm has passed. A few sailfish were caught this week and I saw that “Native Son” out of Pompano caught a nice cobia. 

For an up-to-date fishing report call us at the shop 954-420-5001.

Get tight!!!!

RJ Boyle

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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