22 Mar 2022

Blackfin Tuna Biting this Week

Blackfin Tuna Biting this Week

Pictured here is Dr. Michael Schecter with a nice blackfin tuna he caught earlier this week. We still had a slow bite but we are rounding the corner towards some really good fishing over the next 60 days. Historically we will now start to see some really good catches of wahoo, kingfish and tuna. The tuna bite this week was in 250 to 300 feet of water and believe it or not the bite was mid morning which is not normal for tuna fishing. Usually the best tuna bite is first thing in the morning at sunrise and just before dark. Either way we will take it! In order to get a bite on these tuna you must fish your bait way way back behind the boat in clean water. Tuna are very boat shy and do not like boat traffic. The only problem with fishing your lines way out is that people can run them over . We had two lines get run over on a trip earlier this week. I would suggest buying an air horn to warn people before they run your spread over.

We are coming off the moon so the wahoo bites should slow down a bit this week. We got several fish and had reports of several fish up to 30 pounds this week.

Swordfish bite remained slow this week but should heat up as the moon gets a little smaller. In swordfishing the bigger the moon, the bigger the fish but the less bites you will get. The smaller the moon the more bites you will get but the smaller the fish will be. After years of taking logbooks this is what you see as the bite trend for swords.

Get tight,
Rj Boyle

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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