Every Day is a New Day at Sea

Pictured here is a charter aboard the “Native Son” out of Hillsboro Inlet this week. It is so crazy to think that one day you can get completely skunked and catch nothing and the next day the rod is bent on a fish for hours. You never truly know what you’re going to get when you go out fishing and I believe that is the beauty of it. In this picture you can see bonito, mahi-mahi, blackfin tuna, king mackerel and barracuda. All of these fish were caught in a few hours. We often experience angler frustration at the store due to lack of productivity on the ocean. Your time is hugely expensive as is fuel and everything else in fishing. Coming in with no fish can be extremely frustrating. We are so fortunate that we fish several times a week but most of the general public fish only on the weekend and this in itself can make it difficult to put up consistent catches. When you get your opportunity to go out fishing you must do everything possible to ensure a solid catch. Preparation of tackle and a serious game plan is huge. You have to reach out to your tackle stores to get up-to-date information regarding current wave height, sea conditions and where the bite is in general. Taking a left when you should have taken a right outside the inlet is almost everything. The locations and areas were fish school up and feed changes on a daily basis.
Get tight!
RJ Boyle