17 Nov 2021

Giant Wahoo caught off Boca!

Giant Wahoo caught off Boca!

Last week I mentioned that we are moving into a great kite fishing time. Once we have our first few cold fronts we know it is time to dust off the kites and break out the live bait. Sailfish, mahi-mahi, tuna and kingfish are really the target while kite fishing. Wahoo is really the least landed fish out of the kite because lots of anglers are not fishing wire leaders. While targeting sailfish lots of anglers use 40 and 50 pound test line to get the bite which is very light. The 75 pound Wahoo pictured here was caught on a light monofilament leader which is really almost unheard of out of the kite. This fish got hooked perfectly in the corner of the mouth and the razor sharp teeth never nicked the line. This is a true trophy catch! This fish ate a live google eye while kite fishing in 150 feet of water off of Boca by Jimmy Jam( left )and Chris Molinet(right).

The mahi-mahi bite was excellent this week with fish weighing in at up to 25 pounds. Native son with Captain Art Sapp we’re catching this nice class of fish not only out of the kite but site fishing. Captain Art stays in the tower all day looking to find finning fish and floating debris. Capt Art also caught multiple sailfish this week on several of his charters. This is a great time to catch a large class of several fish species off our coast so give it a go!

We are going to get a few rough days around the holidays so please check the weather prior to leaving the inlet!

RJ Boyle

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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