Hit or Miss Offshore

Pictured here is Tucker Guyot with a swordfish caught earlier this week out of Hillsboro inlet. This fish was caught on a bonito belly in 1750 feet of water and it was Tucker’s first swordfish. He traveled here from California and landed one of his bucket list fish. Congratulations Tucker!
The swords have been hit or miss lately as many boats have come back empty handed. In the swordfish game you have to get use to the “hero to zero” saying. I will tell you that after years of pursuing swords you come to expect some long non productive days with no bites at all. It is just part of that big fish game. I will also say that when you see one of these magnificent fish jump next to the boat in the daylight you quickly forget about the days of being skunked. Swording is not for everybody but we sure love it.
As for the inshore bite we have seen quite a few blackfin tuna caught using live bait and the snapper fishing has been on fire so a trip on the reef at anchor may be the call this weekend. Hopefully the seaweed will lighten up.
Good luck out there and check the weather for those afternoon thunderstorms!
Get tight!
RJ Boyle