13 Apr 2013

Run and Gun for Big Dollys

Run and Gun for Big Dollys

Over the last 2 weeks I have struggled in the swordfish department. We have had our share of bites but just haven't been overly consistent getting them to the boat. That being said we have been lucky to have been blessed with some great dolphin fishing during our swordfish trips. The dolphin fishing has really as a whole been disappointing over the last few years. Maybe things are making a turn for the better.

We usually put out a couple of spinning rods behind the boat while we are waiting for the swords and occasionally a dolphin will pick up one of the ballyhoos at the end of one of these rods. This week we kept seeing frigate birds soaring and diving. Those birds made us look like heroes. Every time we saw a bird diving we would push up the throttle and run right up underneath where it was flying. We would troll about 10 knots with a ballyhoo on a spinning rod way back. We would make sure the bait was skipping so the fish would hear and or see it. The dolphin bite would then be almost instantaneous once we made our turn out in front of the bird. We have been catching dolphin weighing between 20lb and 50lbs consistently from 10 to 14 miles offshore. If you get a chance to venture offshore make sure to look up every once in a while!!!

Pictured here is Fred Gushue with a nice Mahi Mahi (dolphin fish)

Get Tight Sucka!!!

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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Artwork by RJ Boyle

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