27 Jul 2022

Spotty Fishing Opens Up New Doors

Spotty Fishing Opens Up New Doors

Pictured here is Josh Davis with a black grouper that we caught on a Mission Fishin’ outing. The fishing throughout the week has been spotty with a handful of wahoo, bonito and sailfish. When the fishing gets tough, we are always looking in a different direction to produce a catch as professional fishermen. I have always said that the fisherman in South Florida become some of the best anglers and captains in the world due to the fact that they really are verse in so many different types and kinds of fishing. Compared to most other fisheries around the world we have such a dynamic fishery in our backyard. Kite-fishing, wreck fishing, trolling, live baiting and swordfishing are some of the things that lots of anglers can do here in South Florida. We are doing so many types of fishing that it becomes natural to get better and to become so well-rounded as a fisherman. As the fishing starts to slow down a bit, we will push the limits of our abilities to catch more fish and I would suggest you do the same. The grouper in this picture was caught in 15 feet of water on the patch reefs just outside all of the local inlet. Trolling strip baits or ballyhoo is a great way to catch a quality fish like this black grouper. You can also catch snapper, kingfish and other quality fish in very shallow water. Most times anglers don’t consider fishing so close to the beach, but I am here to tell you that there are no fences and fish swim everywhere.

Push the limits and think outside the box.

RJ Boyle

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Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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