26 Jan 2022

The Fishing Struggle is Real!

The Fishing Struggle is Real!

Pictured here is Luke Mears with a pair of gaffer mahi caught on a charter earlier this week. These fish were caught on the “Lisa B” while kite fishing in 150 feet of water off Boca inlet. We also caught 4 other decent sized mahi on this trip but that was the extent of the catching as those were the only bites we had. Our other trips throughout the week were filled with minimal catches of snapper and even a skunk trip which rarely ever happens. We are in a very slow time right now as the cold fronts have the fishing somewhat turned off. We were surprised that the sailfish bite was non existent with these fronts as they usually provide a push of fish through our area. These fish are really still posted farther north of us.

Capt. Norm on the “Rebound” out of Hillsboro inlet had a nice catch of wahoo and mahi on Monday but it was slow for everyone else. Capt. Art Sapp aboard “Native Son”was able to cash in on a few sailfish bites this week but he had to run north to Boynton to find the fish.

The weather was rough offshore for swords this week so we have no report as of this second.

Fishing conditions can change in a minute so be sure to call us for an up to the hour report at the shop.

RJ Boyle

Artwork by RJ Boyle image
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle
Artwork by RJ Boyle


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Artwork by RJ Boyle

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