Wahoo this week

This has been the best year for catching wahoo locally in over 20 years. If I had to guess why I would have to say that the migrational pattern happens to be routed directly through our area this year. In past years we have still caught our fair share of wahoo but generally right on and around the full moon. This year we are catching them on all moon phases which tells you that the numbers of wahoo here now are staggering. What I don't know is the growth rate or lifespan of a wahoo. Was there just a huge year of spawning under the right environmental conditions? What I do know is that the wahoo have lots of local anglers not only happy on the boat but happy at the dinner table.
Pictured here is excellent charter boat mate Thomas Bardes holding up a wahoo caught earlier this week. If you get a chance charter one of the local charter fishing boats for a half day trip and go out for a chance at a life changing wahoo.
Get Tight
RJ Boyle Studio
5040 North Federal Highway
Lighthouse Point, FL 33064