Yellowfins Surprise!

Pictured here is a nice yellowfin tuna that we caught last week. The fishing for these kinds of prize tuna is really heating up not only over in the Bahamas in the Northwest Providence channel but locally quite a few charter boats and private boats have caught them here right off our coast. There’s even a story of guys out of Boca inlet catching six yellowfin tuna while swordfishing. Of all the years of swordfishing I never really saw yellowfin tuna on the sword grounds. The story is that two frigate birds came down on the surface and the yellowfin tuna started blowing up everywhere.
The guys had no live bait or chunks so they simply put out the swordfish baits and the yellowfin ate them. How awesome is that! Another friend of mine caught a 158 pound yellowfin tuna on the troll out of Boca pulling planers. He fought the fish over two hours before boating it. It is not really normal for us to see this many tuna close to our coast. Usually we have to travel a minimum of 85 miles before we see these fish.
If you’re going to give it a go in the Bahamas make sure you clear customs and remember the pelagic limit is 12 fish per boat.
If you have any questions about rigging we’re getting set up to catch yellowfin tuna give us a call at the shop.